Dense Fog Ahead

We were climbing Mount Pisgah in Eugene, OR. We started our hike early in the morning to get in as many miles as we could. At the base of the mountain, it was overcast, but clear. About halfway up, we started to notice some dense fog. We didn’t know if the clouds would clear once we got to the top or if we would be able to see much in front of us, but we knew we had to keep going to find out. We held on to the hope that the view from the top would not disappoint, regardless of the fog.

As we reached the peak, we were completely blown away. Gone was the fog and we could see again! The sun was shining and it felt like an entirely different day. While there was still cloud coverage, we had actually climbed above the clouds. The view was spectacular and unlike anything I had ever experienced. I was so glad we didn’t let the fog, or lack of what we could see, stop us from finishing our hike.

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When I listen to “Steady Heart” by Steffany Gretzinger, I think of our hike on Mount Pisgah. Both speak directly to how I feel about our infertility journey.

  • I can’t see what’s in front of me, nor do I know what’s ahead, but I will trust God.
  • At times, my sky is dark and it’s overwhelming, but Jesus will never leave me.
  • This journey has been long, but thanks to Jesus, a light is breaking.

Maybe your wait feels the same way. While you may not see what’s in front of you, continue to trust that God does. Your days may be difficult and dark, but He will never leave you. He has the most spectacular view planned for you, but you have to keep going, regardless of the fog. Go in confidence knowing God will continually encourage you to keep going and supply you with grace, faith and directions to reach the top of your mountain.

“I can’t see what’s in front of me
Still I will trust You, still I will trust You
And I can’t see what’s in front of me
Still I will trust You, still I will trust You

Though the sky is dark
And the wind is wild
You’ll never leave me, You’ll never leave me

Though the night is long
There is a coming dawn
The light is breaking, the light is breaking”

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