July E+DAY

A few days ago, I connected with a dear friend to let them know I was going to be in town. We both had very busy schedules but were able to find an hour in between appointments so we could meet up. Do I wish we could’ve spent more time? Of course, but I didn’t let the amount of time spent dictate the decision to meet up. That one hour was quality time and will encourage me for days to come.

The time it takes to encourage someone, a 10 second text, a 30-minute walk, or a 5-minute phone call, does not determine the quality or effect of the act. For the person needing the encouragement, the benefits of what you do, regardless of the amount of time, are multiplied.

A good way to consistently encourage others is to mark it in your calendar. Not as another task to do, but as self-care, because encouraging others lifts you up as well! I have a reoccurring event in my calendar for the 14th of every month as a reminder to celebrate E+DAY. If I could send a calendar invite to you all, I totally would!

If our mentality is I will encourage them later or when I have free time, it won’t happen. Be intentional and know the act of encouraging someone does not have to take a ton of time. As you read this, maybe someone comes to mind that you could reach out. If not, ask God to show you who and how. He will tell you and be ready to be blown away.

Not sure what E+DAY is? Check out this page for more info… I know you are curious!

Who are you going to encourage today?

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Please share with someone you know who could use some encouragement in the wait.

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