Site icon Living in the Wait

Why the Message of Living in the Wait Applies Now More Than Ever

Here’s a truth bomb about waiting, we don’t get to choose what things in life we wait for or how long their going to last. We do get to choose how we wait, though.

We’re in a very rare time in history where the whole world is waiting for the same thing. I think you know what I’m talking about. Everyone is waiting, and has been since the start of 2020, for things to return to “normal.” We want our everyday routines back. But as many of us are realizing, life may be anything but normal for a much longer than anticipated time.

Since we’re an entire world waiting, there’s no better time to discuss Living in the Wait.

That’s why you need to stop what you’re doing and tune into my recent interview on the “Shining Light by Nicole” podcast where I share insights on Living in the Wait. Our conversation is packed full of hard truths, encouragement in the wait and God’s love. It’s definitely goose bump worthy content…I’m just sayin’. 🙂

What’s so difficult about waiting?

Or maybe I should say what’s NOT so difficult? We dive straight into the heart of why waiting is so difficult but don’t worry, we don’t leave you hanging there.

How can I live in the wait?

In this episode, I share 5 practical things you can implement to get started today.

Where can I listen?

Tune in anywhere you listen to your favorite podcast and search “Shining Light by Nicole” or click on the links below to be taken directly to the episode.

An option to tune in online is also available, which includes a transcript (even better if you want to take notes!)

Have you already tuned in? Let me know what was most helpful or encouraging from our interview.

Please share with someone you know who could use some encouragement in the wait.

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