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Your Season Has a Reason

Evenings are getting cooler; the sun is setting earlier and the leaves are changing colors. A new season is upon us and as of September 23, it’s officially fall.

Where I live, we get to experience all four seasons – spring, summer, fall, winter – so we have plenty of change happening every year. I love having different seasons because every time the temperature changes, I have something different to look forward to. Different clothes I get to wear – I love a good blanket scarf and booties – and different activities like snowshoeing, camping or mountain biking.

I love how God designed nature to experience seasons of change. Sound familiar? God created man out of the dust of the earth so it makes sense that our lives would match mother nature. (Genesis 2:7). This connection provides us with a tangible example that yes, seasons change, and they have a reason.

Seasons Change
This past winter seemed to drag on forever, leaving many of us wondering if spring would ever come! It eventually did, albeit much later than we expected. Seasons in our own lives can be the same. Your current wait may be longer than you wanted and you’re wondering if and when your next season will come.

If we can take one cue from nature, it’s that season’s always change. We can know and expect to face varying seasons in life. While it may take longer or shorter for one season to change to the next, it eventually will happen.

I don’t know how long your season will last. Only God knows the proper time. While it’s definitely easy to grow weary wondering when a change will happen, I encourage you to live. Live fully no matter your season. Regardless of how long you are waiting for this season to change, allow God to transform you during it. One day, you will look back and can see how God orchestrated it all to bring you exactly where you need to be.

Your Season Has a Reason
Certain experiences and activities can only happen during certain months. Not everything can happen or survive during every season. Crops grow best during spring, summer and fall. They aren’t able to grow during harsh winters. I would never think of swimming in a lake when it’s winter because the water would be frozen. Want to snowboard in the summer? Try again, because there would be no snow.

Only certain things can happen in your life once you’ve gone through certain seasons. I know that’s tough love and not something we want to hear but it’s true. The season you are experiencing right now has purpose and it’s preparing you for your next season. Invite God into your wait and He will show you His plans. How He’s orchestrating it for His good. Every moment of your season has value and is bringing you to the next chapter in your book. But here’s the thing, you can only get there by going through your current season. I know it’s not always easy or enjoyable; but once you get to the other side you’ll be speechless to see how God used that season for a reason.

What do you enjoy most about Fall? For me, it’s football season and blanket scarves!

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